Chronicles of Egypt - March - December 2017
Study Game Studios - Creative Director, UI/UX Design
Genre - Educational experience interspersed with distinct mini-games
Engine - Unreal Engine 4
Team Size - 8
Runs On: PC
Chronicles of Egypt was a project that began with the intention of just being a Unity solo project of mine in my spare time between classes and working at the airport. I knew I wanted to make an educational strategy game and determined that History should be the subject. I poured through multiple books about history, and watched countless hours of YouTube documentary series about the founding of three specific ancient societies.
After conceptualizing the game play and developing some basic groundwork I told some friends about the idea. They encouraged me to pitch the idea in class to work on in an eight week project in teams of six. I worked on a presentation to pitch the game in class in the following weeks, and pitched the project sometime in March of 2017. Out of around 60 possible votes my idea had received just one lonesome vote, my own. Despite the lack of votes, the professor responded that he had liked the concept and recommended working on it more anyways.
In my spare time I continued working on the project and by August I had a rough prototype running. I was told by my friend from work that I should pitch it again in the upcoming fall semester to get help working on it from a team of people. After running it by the professor I was able to get a group to choose to work on it by the end of August 2017. Since then Chronicles of Egypt has been developed by Study Game Studios. I have fortunately had the opportunity to serve as the Creative Director. In addition to being Creative Director I have had a hand in most aspects of the development of the project.
Chonicles of Egypt was an educational turn based strategy game made during my final year of undergrad. It began as a personal project, and then became a team project when it was chosen for development
Creative Director ​
Researching the subject in order to meet goal of being educational
Developing game mechanics and establishing aesthetic style guidelines
Designing of the map layouts for each minigame
Presenting the game to group of peers following milestones
Writing game design documents, technical guide documents, and art style guide
Scheduling meetings, work days, play testing sessions
Planning sprints in accordance with set milestones
Managing back log and task distribution adhering to Agile Principles
Tracking task progress on both digital and physical Kanban Board
Communicating efficiently with both art and technical teams
Conducting scrum meetings (digital and in person) four times a week, and sprint retrospectives
UI/UX Designer​​ ​
Implementing UI and HUD elements following Vertical Slice milestone
Animating UI and HUD elements to make more lively experience
Conveying numerous resources, game goals, educational information, etc effectively
Designing mock ups of each game mode HUD
Creation of sound effects, particle effects, and water terrain texture
Revamping main menu design
Resolving of internal issues and disputes
Initial Pitch - March 2017 | Overworld - July 2017 | Warfare Mode - June 2017 |
Agriculture game | Agriculture Mode - July 2017 | Culture Mode 1 - July 2017 |
Culture Mode 2 - July 2017 |
Prototype Agriculture Mode | Prototype Warfare Mode | Vertical Slice Agriculture Mode |
Vertical Slice HUD and UI Elements | Alpha Build Menu and UI | Alpha HUD |
Alpha Culture Mode | Warfare Changes |